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Why LogIT PRO?
Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) in India
CBME-UG: CBME was introduced for the Indian Graduate Medical Graduate programme in the year 2019 with the objective of training medical students in a holistic manner. This revision addressed the gaps in Indian medical education by emphasising on the desired and observable outcomes in the day‑to‑day practice of medicine.
It provides clarity to a faculty member as to what has to be taught, and to the student as to what will be expected out of him/her at the end of every learning exercise.
CBME-PG: CBME for the Post Graduate Medical Education programme was introduced in in the year 2000. The focus and goal of post-graduate medical education is to produce specialist medical practitioners, who are knowledgeable in their field of study, competent in their field of practice, compassionate in their work and excellent in conducting research.
The Problem
CBME brings to the fore several challenges to its successful implementation:
- Monitoring the implementation of CBME,
- Receiving direct feedbacks from both the students and faculty,
- Exploring newer teaching and learning methods,
- Identifying gaps in the curriculum & its implementation.
- Continuous monitoring of students is near impossible.
The Solution
LogIT PRO is specifically designed for Indian medical universities, colleges & training institutions and is developed as a technology-leveraging, secure and a robust tool to aid the implement of the Competency Based curriculum in all domains, effectively.

Secure, Cloud-based Technology
Multi-platform/device compatibility
Instant Deployment & Set-up
Key Features
"LogIT PRO empowers medical universities, colleges, institutions & students by leverage cutting-edge technology & promote competency based medical education..."


Effective Curriculum Implementation
LogIT PRO can help universities implement, track & monitor curriculum implementation across medical colleges and institutions, in real-time.

Easy to Implement & Maintain
LogIT PRO is a secure, multi-platform and cloud-based platform, hence it is very easy set-up and provide access to participating colleges & institutions.

High-Level Monitoring
LogIT PRO provides in-depth information on how participations medical colleges and institutions are performing, in real-time.

IMPELEMTATION/Performance Analytics
With LogIT PRO, there is now the possibility to better undertake now the CBME curriculum is being implemented in real-time

Customisable Applications
LogIT PRO can be white-labelled to suit special requirements.